my whole life through

"In the morning of my life
I shall look to the sunrise,
At a moment in my life

When the world is new.
And the blessing I shall ask
Is that God will grant me –
To be brave and strong and true,
And to fill the world with love my whole life through.

In the noon-time of my life
I shall look to the sunshine,
At a moment in my life
When the sky is blue.
And the blessing I shall ask
Will remain unchanging –
To be brave and strong and true,
And to fill the world with love my whole life through.

In the evening of my life
I shall look to the sunset,
At the moment in my life
When the night is due.
And the question I shall ask
Only You can answer –
Was I brave and strong and true?
Did I fill the world with love my whole life through?"

文中引述了彼得奧圖主演的音樂劇《萬世師表》(Goodbye, Mr Chips) 裏的這首歌。




The Journey of Desire
